» Pedro’s Weblog

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

October Pack Notes


Do Something
By Baden Powell
"You should not be content with sitting down to defend yourselves against evil habits, but should also be active in
doing good. By 'doing good' I mean making yourselves useful and doing small kindness to other people - whether
they are friends or strangers. It is not a difficult matter, and the best way to set about it is to make up your mind to do at least one 'good turn' to somebody every day, and you will soon get into the habit of doing good turns always.
It does not matter how small the 'good turn' may be - even if it is to help an old woman across the street, or to say a good word for somebody who is being badly spoke of. The great thing is to do something."

Message to Parents:
As you learn more about how Cub Scouting works and what goes on in a den and a pack, you will see that the program helps your boy in these five important developmental needs. The uniqueness of Cub Scouting is that you, as his family, join the program with your boy. You will help him all along the way.

I Took His Hand and Followed
(Author Unknown)
My dishes went unwashed today,
I didn't make the bed,
I took his hand and followed
Where his eager footsteps led.
Oh yes, we went adventuring
My little son and I.
Exploring all the great outdoors
Beneath the autumn sky.

We tossed stones in a crystal stream,
We wandered through the woods
My kitchen wasn't swept today
But life was mighty good.
We found a cool, sun-dappled glade
And now my small son knows
How Mother Bunny hides her nest,
Where jack-in-the-pulpit grows.

We watched a robin feed her young,
We climbed a sunlit hill
Saw cloud-sheep scamper through the sky,
We plucked a daffodil.
That my house was neglected,
That I didn't brush the stairs,
In twenty years, no one on earth
Will know, or even care

But that I've helped my little boy
To noble manhood grow,
In twenty years, the whole wide world
May look and see and know.

1. Regularly use the Cub Scout Ideals: the Motto, the Promise and Law of the Pack, in ceremonies, and as a guide to conduct. You must set the example.
2. Use Den Rules. Start using them immediately. Boys need to know what is expected of them. Make sure both boys and parents know what the rules are.
3. Make uniforms important. Have regular uniform inspections and instill pride in wearing their uniforms. Boys behave differently when they dress up.
4. Be firm, fair and consistent. They will test you from time to time to make sure that you really mean it.
5. Use positive incentives. When the conduct candle burns down or the marble jar is full, give them the special party or outing you promised.
6. Make each boy feel special. Use warm greetings, compliments, words of praise, and fond farewells, liberally for each boy. Make them feel appreciated and wanted.
7. Boys must have input to rules. If you want them to cooperate they should feel that they have some control of how the den operates. You empower them and teach responsibility when they help set the rules.
8. Den programs must be full of short, fun activities. Boys at this age are active and quickly become bored or frustrated. Long talking sessions and complicated craft projects make it difficult to keep control of the meeting.
9. Use lots of help. From time to time, boys require individual attention. They will need help, encouragement, reassurance, advice or just want to tell you something important. You can't give them that attention if you’re doing it alone.
10. Get to know each boy. Every boy in your den is a unique individual with his own dreams, fears, and sense of humor. He needs to know that you care about him.

Boys’ Life Reading Contest for 2009
Enter the 2009 Boys’ Life Reading Contest
Write a one-page report titled “The Best Book I Read This Year” and enter it in the Boys’ Life 2009 “Say Yes to Reading!” contest.
The book can be fiction or nonfiction. But the report has to be in your own words — 500 words tops. Enter in one of these three age categories:
􀂒 8 years old and younger
􀂒 9 and 10 years old
􀂒 11 years old and older
First-place winners in each age category will receive a $100 gift certificate good for any product in the Boy Scouts official retail catalog. Second-place winners will receive a $75 gift certificate and third-place winners a $50 certificate.
Everyone who enters will get a free patch like the one shown above. (And, yes, the patch is a temporary insignia, so it can be worn on your Cub Scout or Boy Scout uniform shirt, on the right pocket. Proudly display it there or anywhere!) In coming years, you’ll have the opportunity to earn different patches.
The contest is open to all Boys’ Life readers. Be sure to include your name, address, age and grade in school on the entry.
Send your report, along with a business-size, self-addressed, stamped envelope, to:
Boys’ Life Reading Contest
P.O. Box 152079
Irving, TX 75015-2079
Entries must be postmarked by Dec. 31, 2009 and must include entry information and a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
For more details go to

Family and Den Go See It Activities for October
10/3- Home Depot. 9-noon. They are builing a fire house bank. Kids ages 5-12.
10/10- Michaels- 10- 1 PM Bring the whole family to Michaels and create your own craft pumpkin. $5 per pumpkin includes supplies. While supplies last.
10/10- Lowe’s- 8-2PM wood project- they believe windmill making but subject to change. Free.
10/11- Fort Western – Fall Festival. Cider pressing and other seasonal activities. 1-4 PM

10/12- Litchfield- Haunted trail, 6 to 9 p.m., Carrie Ricker Middle School. Cost is $5 for adults, $2 for children younger than 10.

10/31- 7 PM Portland Pirates Halloween Scout NightPortland Pirates Vs. Bridgeport Sound TigersPrice $10 per person-must order in advance.All scouts are encouraged to wear their best costumes for an evening of trick or treating, costume contests and additional fun & games.Order tickets by contacting Ben Nickerson of the Portland Pirates franchise at: 828-4665 x 317. Fax order (with credit card): 773-3278Deadline is 10/30 or when tickets sell-out, whichever comes first. For more info, contact Ben Nickerson at
Craft Afternoons at Lithgow Library. begins again in the fall and meets the second Tuesday of each month. from 3:00-4:30 p.m. in Youth Services downstairs at Lithgow Library. Come join us for fun craft projects from the library's collection of arts and crafts books. This program is free and open all ages but children under six will need adult supervision. Call and ask for Robbi with any questions or for more details.

Pack 603 October Calendar
3- Cub Scout Trailblazer Day at Camp Bomazeen
6- Regular Den meeting13- Regular Den meeting
14- Leaders Roundtable in Waterville
16-18- Webelos II take part in Boy Scout Fall Camporee as guests of Troop 603
20- Regular Den Meeting
27- Halloween Pack meeting (Boys and siblings come in Costume, we ask everyone to bring a bag of candy so we can make treat bags for the kids. Dens run a halloween station) Popcorn orders due.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Early September Notes

Hi Parents:

Fliers Went Home Yesterday or Today. If your boy did not receive an invitation to attend Cub Scout sign up night from your school, please let me know.

Sunday- Show and Sell. I have been working with the district to get my hands on popcorn to sell at the Biker Toy Run on Sunday at the Augusta Civic Center. I don't have the product but it looks like we will be able to get some on Saturday so we should have it on Sunday to sell. I am looking for Scouts in uniform to meet me at the Civic Center at 10 AM or a little before. All the proceeds from this Show and Sell will be used to help cover some of the costs of the rocket launch that will be happening later in the month. We will be there for a couple hours.

Monday- Sign up at 6 PM at Hussey. Everyone is welcome but returning Scouts do not have to attend. We will have a registration table for new signups. Paul and Chris have Masons coming in to run a child identification station and we will need some adults to help with that. All kids can be identified and that will help police if (and hopefully never) they are kidnapped or become lost. We also will have use of the gym and the playground outside so I will need parents to help with those areas. My goal is to be free to talk to parents at the sign up part with the kids entertained inside.

Tuesday- Go See It. Paul Jerzombek has set up a visit to the Bangor Street Fire Station for the entire pack. This includes all of our new and returning Cubs. This is at 6 PM. This will be in place of our regular meeting but with the restart of school and all of the return to school activities we thought it would be a good idea for us to start off out of Hussey. Boys should wear uniform if they have them. I would suggest parking across the street at Rite Aid.

Tuesday Sept 22- Regular Den meeting at Hussey Elementary School at 6 PM
Sept 26- Popcorn Push Day and Rocket Launch
Sept 29- 1st Pack meeting at the American Legion on Eastern Ave at 6 PM. Leaders should get me the list of awards they need by the 24th.

Upcoming Calendar Items:
Cub Scout Leader Training

Pack 603 reimburses leaders for training!
Cub Leader Training will be split over two months at Waterville Roundtable on October 14 & November 11 (that’s no typo, we are meeting on 11/11).
or you can attend the following training:
Adult Leader Training
Downeast District
October 10, 2009
Damariscotta Chapel of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Corner of Rt. 1 and Belvedere Road, Damariscotta
Cost: $9.00
Registration 8:30 AM
New Leader Essentials 9:00 AM
(Bring your own) Lunch 11:00 AM
Adult Leader Specific Training 11:30 AM
*****Please note: To be respectful of our trainers time, we must have at least one registrant for the leader specific portion by Wednesday October 7 or that training will not be offered******* All leaders should take the program specific Fast Start training and Youth Protection Training (<> before attending this training.* Adult leaders should be in uniform and have the appropriate leader book. Also bring a notebook and pen.* There will be a trading post with limited items to purchase including Leader hand books.* Please bring a bag lunch. Please do not bring coffee into the Church.* Any questions contact Steve Saucier at 797-5252 ext. 28 or Mail Registrations and payment ($9 per person) to:Downeast District TrainingPine Tree Council131 Johnson Rd.Portland, ME 04102Contact Person: ____________________________UNIT: ___________________________Phone: _____________________________ email: ________________________Please list number of people who will be attending sectionCub Scouts:Tiger Den LeaderCub Scout (Wolf/Bear) Den LeaderWebelos Den LeaderCubmaster / Assistant CubmasterCommittee Member
Here is another Great Training Opportunity:Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (Cub Scout Leaders)
Webelos Leader Outdoor Training Council will hold the above three trainings the weekend of Oct. 23-24 at Camp Hinds.

Webelos Woods Weekend Pine Tree Council invites you to Webelos Woods Weekend!When: September 18 - 20, 2009
Where: At Camp Hinds in Raymond
Arrival Time: Friday night starting at 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Departure Time: Sunday morning at 10:00 AM
How Many: 400 Participants-Maximum of 1 adult per 1 Webelos Scout
Cost: $10.00 per person
"Surviving the Maine Woods"
Activities and Stations to include:*Cooking & Edible Plants*Animal and Tree ID*Compass Work with a Compass Trail*Scout Skills*Slingshots*Readyman and More!
Webelos Woods is an outdoor experience to work on Webelos Advancements and prepare for the crossover into Boy Scouting. Parents and leaders are welcome to attend and participate!For a List of What to Bring Check out our FlyerFlyer is on the website at: <> can also register online. Go to the main page of the council website: <>
Registration is limited so register now!
For questions or information contact Webelos Woods Chairman-Scott Martin at 892-0628 or or Cathy Gosselin,PTC Camping Administrator at 797-5252 x 14 or

October 3 at Camp Bomazeen in Belgrade
8:30am to 3:30pm (check-in is 8:30 to 9am)
Fee is $8 per person and includes a BBQ lunch.Pre-registration is encouraged. You can also download the flyer from the Council website:
You can also register online at the council website. If you plan to attend this event, please note that parking is limited at Bomazeen. Please car pool as much as possible and encourage other members of your pack to do the same.
Events will include:
BB Gun range
Archery Range
Slingshot Range
Obstacle Course
Wildlife demonstrations

Portland Pirates Halloween Scout Night
Portland Pirates Vs. Bridgeport Sound Tigers
October 31, 2009 at 7pm.
Price $10 per person-must order in advance.
All scouts are encouraged to wear their best costumes for an evening of trick or treating, costume contests and additional fun & games.
Order tickets by contacting Ben Nickerson of the Portland Pirates franchise at: 828-4665 x 317. Fax order (with credit card): 773-3278Deadline is 10/30 or when tickets sell-out, whichever comes first. For more info, contact Ben Nickerson at

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September News for Our Pack Leaders and Parents-

Here is our September and October Calendar

2 - First Day of School (We are ok with Hussey to continue to have our den meetings there all year- boys should be receiving fliers from Hussey and Farrington soon)
7- Labor Day- No School
9- Leaders' Roundtable in Waterville
13- Popcorn Show and Sell at the Augusta Civic Center
14- Cub Scout Sign Up at Hussey School Gym at 6 PM. (Den leaders, please be prepared to run an activity station for the boys while Chuck talks to Parents)
15- Go See It (Pack go see it. Paul J is working on visiting the Fire department)
22- 1st Regular Den Meeting (Boys will be working on Model Rockets)
24- Dens need to give Chuck their list of awards the boys earned at camp
26- Popcorn Push Day and Rocket Launch
29- 1st Pack meeting (Legion if it is available- otherwise Hussey) Awards presented to boys

3- Cub Scout Trailblazer Day at Camp Bomazeen
6- Regular Den meeting
13- Regular Den meeting
14- Leaders Roundtable in Waterville
16-18- Webelos II take part in Boy Scout Fall Camporee as guests of Troop 603
20- Regular Den Meeting
27- Halloween Pack meeting (Boys and siblings come in Costume, we ask everyone to bring a bag of candy so we can make treat bags for the kids. Dens run a halloween station) Popcorn orders due.

Popcorn is our big sale. We try to sell enough product during the sale so we don't have to do any other sale throughout the year!

There are several ways we are selling popcorn this year:
Internet Sales- This is a great way to reach out to family members far away. They order the product that they want online and plug in your son's code and your boy gets the credit for the sale. Nice and easy. My son Theo's number is 2531183 so if I could figure it out, you can too! Here are the steps to set it up:
-Go to

-Click on the "Scout" icon at the bottom of the page. This will bring you to a page with a cute pic of a Cub Scout at the top of the screen. Text is Sell popcorn. Earn Cool Prizes. Fund your program.

-Click on the "Track my online sales" link in the middle of the page. This will bring you to a form to fill out so your son can begin selling popcorn online. Be sure to put down Pack where it asks the type of unit and 603 for the number. It has a parental approval area so you will have to go back to your website and approve that it is ok for him to set up the account.

-After you have completed that, it has an email generator to send out emails to those people you would like to receive an invite to buy popcorn. Your son's code should appear right on the email they receive.
These sales get added on at the end of the total popcorn sale but how successful can your boy be with online sales? Ask Webelos Scout Morgan Young in our pack who paid for camp this summer by selling popcorn online!

Show and Sell- We will be having a one day effort to sell popcorn outside the Augusta Civic Center on September 13th. We will have the product for this event on hand. All Scouts are asked to participate. I will send out a separate email after all of the details are ironed out.

Take Order Sale- Boys should have received the information in the mail. They can begin going out door to door and taking orders. Be sure to take the money at the time the order is placed! They can take orders right up to the October pack meeting. All orders and money are due at that meeting.
Popcorn Push Day- We are trying to have Sept 26th be the day that all of the boys go out in pairs in neighborhoods selling for a few hours. Then afterwards we will have our rocket launch at the legion. The boys should travel with a scout buddy and a parent.
More popcorn information:

Leaders: Here is Some Program Helps for September

CHIP Program at Sign Up Night
Thanks to Den Leader Chris Bailey for securing folks from the Maine Freemasons to come in to our Cub Scout sign up night on Monday, September 14 at 6 PM. The CHIP (Child Identification Program) is designed to combat child abduction and assist in finding a lost child. Scouting takes child safety seriously and this year that begins right at sign up. This is a voluntary program but we are glad to have CHIP representatives joining us at sign up night. Returning Scouts are not required to come to sign up night but parents can bring them and other siblings to take part in this program.

October 3 at Camp Bomazeen
This is a family event for cub scouts, parents and siblings. More details as we get closer but this is likely to be a super day of camp-style activities right in Belgrade and a super event for our dens to get out of their meetings and into the woods in October.

Shoe Boxes
The Bear Den is looking for shoe boxes for a project so please keep them when you are buying new school shoes! Thanks