» Pedro’s Weblog

Thursday, February 25, 2010

March Cub Scout Notes

March Highlights

-Flag Ceremony for City Council Thursday, March 4th. Meet at City Hall in full uniform or as close as you can come at 6:30. The mayor will meet us at 6:45 and take us in. We will do a flag ceremony and make the city council honorary cub scouts. Not required to take part but we hope to have good scouts who are eager to show how well our Pack can represent Cub Scouts to the citizens of Augusta.

- Den Meeting- 6 PM at Hussey Elementary School on the 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd unless your Den Leader has made alternate arrangements. Remember the policy- no school, no scouts. Parents bring boys to the lobby and wait for the leader to take the boys to the classrooms. Thanks

-Pack meeting at the Legion March 30th at 6 PM. Leaders get me awards list including names by March 23rd. Each den to do song, skit and cheer at the meeting. This will be the big crossover for 2nd Year Webelos into Boy Scouts and awards presentation for other cubs as well.


Our Pack has an annual charter from the Boy Scouts of America to run as a pack owned by the American Legion. This charter is the registration for all of our adult leaders and youth members. Typically, we charter from March to March. Boys who join in September (new Scouts not returning Scouts) pay a reduced registration at sign up and that covers them until charter time in March. None of this money stays with the pack. All of it goes to the Boy Scouts of America. There is a change this year. Council is changing recharter after this year to DECEMBER for all units. So, Pack 603 will be rechartering for 9 months instead of 12. The recharter fee will be for nine months.

Re-charter Deadline - March 31, 2010
Re-Charter length - 9 months - Expires 12/31/2010
Re-Charter Cost per Cub - $11.25 (Pack 603 pays for the fee for our adult leaders)
Boy's Life Renewal per subscription - $9.00

Chuck will be collecting the recharter fees at the March den meetings with the idea that we will turn in our charter at the March 30th Pack meeting.

Remember: one of the requirements for Centennial Honor Unit is to Recharter on time!



All Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, and Venture Advisors must be trained for their position (Fast start/This is Scouting and leader specific) by the end of 2010!

All other leaders with direct contact with youth (Ex. Den Leaders, ASMs, Ast. Advisors) must be fully trained (Fast Start/This is Scouting and leader specific) by 2011!

Don't wait. If you're not training in your position take advantage of one or more of the following opportunities:

Upcoming Training Schedule Council-wide (forwarded from Matt Randall by way of Downeast District’s newsletter, “The Beacon”)

Key to abbreviations at the end of the list of trainings.

Topsham LDS
matt randall
8AM - 5PM

Casco Bay
Windham LDS Church
8AM - 5PM

Saco City Hall
scott valcourt
8AM - 5PM

CMCC Auburn
University of Scouting
Robert Robinson
8AM - 5PM

Spring Camporee - Camp Gustin
8AM - 5PM

Damariscotta LDS Church
8AM - 5PM

Holy Cross Church - Lewiston
Tony Bessy
8AM - 5PM

Damariscotta LDS Church

Camp Hinds
Robert Robinson

Saco City Hall

TIS - This Is Scouting
YP - Youth Protection
CSLS - Cub Scout Leader Specific
WLOT - Webelos Leader Outdoor Training
BALOO - Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation


BALOO, WLOT (Webelos Leader Outdoor Training) and
ITOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills)
will be offered at the Abnaki District Spring
Camporee at Camp Gustin in Sabatus on May 21-23, 2010.



March 27, 2010, Central Maine Community College, Auburn, ME

Course catalog is now available for download off the KV District Website under the Newsletter section!


Overnight event, April 24-25. PTC has 500 slots available. For more info and to sign-up, please see the Council Website:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bowling Day this Saturday

Strike into the Next 100 Years

When: Saturday, Feb 13

Time: 9:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Where: Sparetime Recreation 215 Whitten Rd in Hallowell

What: We will be celebrating the start of the next century of Scouting by having a bowling party. The event will meet at the bowling alley to go over rules of the game at 9:45 AM and then bowling until 11:30 AM. All of the boys who take part will earn their bowling belt loop.

Cost: Cubs $2. Siblings & Non-Cubs: $7

Cub Scout 100th Anniversary Patch Requirements

A Year of Celebration, A Century of Making a Difference

Cub Scout Patch Requirements

By demonstrating dedication to five of Scouting’s core values, Cub Scouts and others can earn award ribbons to hang from the 100th Anniversary Commemorative patch. A Year of Celebration, A Century of Making a Difference is fun, engaging and—most importantly—shows America the impact of Scouting through its commitment to these values. A Year of Celebration will be in effect from Sept. 1, 2009, through Dec. 31, 2010.


Complete three of the five requirements in each category to earn the ribbon.

1. Explain what makes a good leader and give an example of a Scout (past or present) demonstrating those qualities. Ask your parent or den leader what makes a good leader.

2. Practice being a leader such as being a denner for one week. Write or tell your parent or den leader about what you did during that week.

3. Get a friend to join Cub Scouts.

4. Organize the den to set up and take down chairs at the pack meeting.

5. With the approval of your den leader, plan and lead a den activity.


Complete three of the five requirements to earn the ribbon.

1. Choose something you'd like to do better, and work on it for a week. Write or tell your parent or den leader about your progress.

2. Earn one Cub Scout Academics belt loop and one Cub Scout Sports belt loop.

3. Complete one achievement or activity badge for your rank.

4. Complete one elective for your current rank.

5. Complete one Cub Scout Sports or Academics pin, or the BSA Emergency Preparedness Award or the BSA Physical Fitness Award.

Community Service

Complete three of the five requirements to earn the ribbon. * Make sure that all service hours are recorded online for ―Good Turn For America.‖

1. With your parent or den leader, identify a person who serves the community. Write or tell about what that person does for others.

2. With your family or den, help plan and carry out a community service project. Write or tell about the project.

3. With your family and/or den, clean up your Pack’s chartering organization’s parking lot, a neighborhood park, the school grounds, or other public area.

4. Participate in a nature beautification project such as a tree or natural vegetation planting.

5. Give service to a community organization such as a food bank or feeding station.


Complete three of the five requirements in each category to earn that patch.

1. Talk to your parent or den leader about the Cub Scout Promise or Law of the Pack. What

does it say about the kind of character a Scout should have?

2. With your family or den, plan and carry out a game that helps demonstrate one of the Character ConnectionsTM. Write or tell about your experience.

3. Talk to your parent or rabbi, minister, cleric, or other religious leader about how trust in God provides inner strength and confidence.

4. Talk to your parent or den leader about honesty. Talk about why it is important to be honest in everything you say and do.

5. Become a friend of a boy who is being left out of the group. Discuss how compassion and cooperation are essential to good character.


Complete three of the five requirements to earn the ribbon.

1. With your family or den, help plan and carry out an outdoor activity. Write or tell about your experience.

2. Describe to your parent or den leader the different kinds of plants and animals you can find around your neighborhood.

3. Earn Cub Scouting’s Leave No Trace Awareness Award or the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award.

4. Go on a hike with your family or den.

5. Participate in a district or council outdoor experience (day camp, resident camp, etc.).

Blue and Gold Banquet Finalized

Blue and Gold Banquet

When: Sunday, February 21- 3- 5 PM (Set up at 2 PM)

Where: Green Street United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall

Directions: From the old Cony High School, cross Memorial Bridge to the second rotary, take the immediate first exit (by Walgreens) and bear right toward downtown. Turn left onto Green Street just before going down the big hill. Parking is available on Green Street, in the Poulin Building parking lot next to the church, and in the Kennebec County parking lot adjacent to the church and accessible from State Street.

What: The Blue and Gold Banquet is our annual Pot Luck Dinner & celebration of the founding of Scouting. The boys will be receiving awards earned since November. Leaders should get me the list of awards ASAP so I have a chance to purchase them.

Entertainment: Dens should be prepared with a song, skit and cheer and make decorations for their tables.

The entire Family is welcome! This is a great event for the entire family. Please bring enough food for your family plus some others. The pack will provide salad, beverages, paper products, placemats and rolls.

Cake Bake Competition/Auction: Desserts will be cakes! Every Cub should enter the Cake Bake! Everything on the cake has to be edible. He can make it with a parent partner. The theme of the cake is Cub Scouting or the 100th Anniversary of Scouting. Cakes will be judged by an impartial judge and ribbons will be given to the top cake in each of the following categories:
-Most Likely Made by a Cub Scouts
-Most Yummy Looking
-Best in Theme (Scouting)

Cubs can then donate their cakes, if they choose for the Cake auction! Only adults will be able to bid on the auction but it is more fun than fundraiser.

Cakes that aren't auctioned off will be part of the dessert for the evening!

Thanks to Shawn Gallant for securing the use of the church.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pinewood Derby to be Held at City Hall

Pinewood Derby- February 13

When: Saturday, Feb 13

Set Up: 2 PM (Need people to help set up the track, decorate the hall, prepare the pit crew and registration areas)

Registration and Races: 2:30 PM (We are paying by the hour for use of City Hall so we will need to get in, register efficiently, and move to the races. We have the space only until 5 PM)

Where: Augusta City Center (City Hall)

Who: Cubs and their Families

Volunteers Needed:

-Set Up & Decorations- We will begin setting up the track, arranging the hall and putting up decorations at noon. We will need help to accomplish this.

-Registration- Heather and Shawn coordinating but will need helpers especially if Shawn is working.

-Pit crew- Gary, Chris, George and volunteers. We will need a crew to help the Cubs as they finalize their cars. If you have tools and extra weights, etc. Please bring them.

-Refreshments- Em is heading this area but I am sure she would welcome help. Dinner items and snacks will be on sale. We are not looking at this as a fundraiser but as a service to our parents so they dont have to worry about dinner. Cost will be cheap enough to cover our costs. We may need additional help in the kitchen.

-Line Judges- We will have need of three line judges. Two will be at the foot of the track and one will be the starter. If your boy is racing, you go to the starter's mark.

-Scoring- Chuck will be working the scoring. Every Cub will race at least five times.

Trophies: Tigers will all be receiving a trophy for participating. There is a trophy for the Scout who demonstrates the best sportsmanship. There are three for the fastest cars and three for the best designs.

Rules: All cars must pass the following inspection to qualify for the race:

1-Width shall not exceed 2-1/4 inches.

2-Length shall not exceed 7 inches.

3-Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces.

4- Axles, wheels, and body shall be from the materials provided in the kit.

5- Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited.

6- No lubricating oil may be used. Axles may be lubricated with powdered graphite or NO SILICONE.
7- The car shall not ride on any kind of spring.

8- The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting devices

9- No loose materials of any kind are allowed in the car.

10- The Pack does not provide weights. The racer must supply those.

11- Once the car has been inspected and officially registered, it cannot be worked on or fine-tuned without the express permission of the head race official and then only to reapply something that came off after check in.

12- Cars cannot be carved in the front. We have a post that rises at the starting point of our track and the entire front of the car must be behind the post at the start of the race.