» Pedro’s Weblog

Monday, April 26, 2010

Arrow of Light Crossover and More Good News

Augusta — Only the glow from candles broke the darkness in the room. Three Augusta 11 year olds stood flanked by teens dressed in traditional Native American garb. The audience sat in silence witnessing the important milestone. One teen explained the significance of the event that had drawn them all together -- the crossing over from Cub Scouts into Boy Scouts, made possible when the three younger boys earned their Arrow of Light badges.

Eric Lombard, Theodore Mahaleris and Hunter Ripley were presented their Arrow of Light badges and crossed over the Arrow of Light Bridge that symbolically links Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting. Their Webelos den leader, Shawn Gallant, and their parents stood with them on one side of the bridge, while members of Boy Scout Troop 603 were prepared to welcome them on the other side during the special ceremony at Veterans Memorial American Legion Post 205, Eastern Avenue, on March 30.

All of the youth in Cub Scout Pack 603, including the graduating Webelos, were recognized with badges and pins they had earned since the February Blue and Gold Banquet. The highlight of the evening, however, was the Arrow of Light Ceremony that was presented by members of the Pine Tree Council's Madockawanda Order of the Arrow Lodge Ceremonial Team.

Boy Scouts Connor Pillsbury of Troop 479 in China, Jared Baker of Troop 454 in Oakland, Jarod White of Troop 546 in Temple and Dustin Wiggin of Troop 199 in Jay described different the challenges the three youths encountered as they made their way through the Cub Scout ranks until finally reaching the highest award, the Arrow of Light badge.

"As we have said before, this ceremony marks an end of a journey," said Pillsbury. "But even as this journey ends, another is just beginning. Here at the summit of Cub Scouting you have found the start of a new trail. This trail is a pathway that leads to the realm of our brothers in the sky, the Eagles."

"That was the best ceremony I have seen," said new Boy Scout Lombard. "I'm very proud." Mahaleris and Ripley agreed.

"They [the teens on the ceremonial team] were awesome," Mahaleris said.

"It was a lot of work, but I had a lot of fun in Pack 603," Ripley said.

"The ceremony was remarkable," Den Leader Gallant said. "Those boys should be very proud of themselves and we were lucky they could come from all over the area to take part in our graduation ceremony. It made it very special for the boys."

The new Boy Scouts met their first challenge the following weekend when Troop 603 took a hike up Ragged Mountain. In all, the Scouts hiked 12 miles. "Scouting is all about challenging the boys," said Assistant Scoutmaster Dana Antworth. "They all did great."

Many other Cub Scouts were also presented awards during the March 30 gathering. Jacob Arbour, Leland Bailey, Nathaniel Barbeau, Joseph Beaulieu, Kaleb Bechard, Chris Black, Dustin Dyer, Chris Colson, Trey Muxima, Sawyer McCutcheon, Luc Sirois and Matthew Sirois all earned Disability Awareness belt loops. The boys in the Augusta Bear program in Pack 603 are among the first in the nation to earn this award, as it became an official part of the program in January of this year.

"They learned an awful lot about people who have disabilities," Den Leader Chris Bailey said. "The boys had to think a lot, and they really got into it. You could see when they really understood how challenging things can be for other people. It was like a light went on. They got it."

To earn the belt loop, the boys had to visit with a friend, family member, classmate or other person with a disability and learn what that person enjoys as well as finds difficult. The Cub Scouts had to attend a disabilities event -- such as an Easter Seals event, Special Olympics, a performance with sign language interpretation, an activity with Guiding Eyes dogs, or a wheelchair race -- and talk about the experience with their leader. They also had to make a display about one or more disabilities that included physical, learning or mental challenges.

Tiger Cubs Andrew Truman, Zack Hutchison, Killian Gagnon, Luke Giampatruzzi, Jonathan Urquhart and Kaden Urquhart earned their Tiger rank patches. Luke and Killian also earned their Bobcat ranks.

Monday, April 19, 2010

For Earth Day, Scouts do 'Good Deeds' for planet

Apr 18, 2010

Cub Scouts Reese St. Pierre and Ryan Lathe work with Den Leader Andy Lathe.

Augusta — This month, Cub Scouts from Pack 603 in Augusta are taking part in environmental projects to mark the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22 and the 100th anniversary year of Scouting.

Boys in the Wolf Den built bat houses and boys in other dens took part in neighborhood clean-up efforts, hiked at the Viles Arboretum and learned about ways to help the environment.

"Scouting teaches boys that they have a duty to care for the world around them," said Pack 603 Cubmaster Chuck Mahaleris.

"The 'Leave No Trace' program fosters in them the idea that they should leave the trail, campsite and woods better than when they got there. Scouting's World Conservation Award gives the boys an opportunity to think globally and act locally to preserve and improve our environment. This program is designed to make youth members aware that all nations are closely related through natural resources and that we are interdependent with our world environment."

Cubs received awards at the March 30 pack meeting related to their work in the outdoors. Graduating Webelos Scouts Hunter Ripley and Theodore Mahaleris earned their World Conservation Award. They, along with fellow Webelos Morgan Young, also earned their Forester pins, while Webelos Eric Lombard earned his Outdoorsman Pin.

Bears Jacob Arbour, Leland Bailey, Nathaniel Barbeau, Joseph Beaulieu, Kaleb Bechard, Dustin Dyer, Chris Colson, Trey Muzima, Luk Sirois, Matthew Sirois and Sawyer McCutcheon took part in a neighborhood service project as one of their requirements for the Citizenship Belt Loop.

"There are requirements built into the Scouting program at every level to encourage the boys to not only get out and learn about the world around them but to challenge them to find ways to protect it for future generations to enjoy," said Mahaleris. "Scouts are known for 'Doing Good Deeds' and on Earth Day we want them to do 'Good Deeds' for the planet.”

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pack 603 Tigers Visit the Capital Weekly

Augusta — Members of Augusta Cub Scout Pack 603 visited the Capital Weekly office at 295 Water St. to learn about newspapers and fulfill a communications requirement for their Tiger badges.

During their March 24 visit, they met the newspaper's editor, Beth Staples.

"It was fun to meet the boss and take a picture with her," said Killian Gagnon and Kaden Urquhart.

The Scouts also learned about selling advertisements, what reporters do, the number of papers delivered every week, and how to adjust and remove red eye in photos.

Then they helped write and lay out a front page story about their visit, complete with the photo of them with "the boss." When they finished, each Scout received a copy of their custom-made front page to take home as a souvenir of their visit.

All in all, the youngsters enjoyed their visit.

"It was fun," said Zachary Hutchinson.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

America Honors Scouting With Centennial Coin, Stamp

If it seems as if the whole country is getting involved in Scouting’s 100th Anniversary, OK, maybe it is. Two great “birthday presents” for Scouting appear this year—a Scout stamp and an official Scout coin.

As a result of a bill sponsored by U. S. Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas, the U. S. Mint will initially produce 350,000 silver-dollar coins to commemorate the centennial. The mint turns out only two commemorative coins each year. A $10 surcharge on each coin will raise $3.5 million for the BSA Foundation, which will support extending Scouting in hard-to-serve areas.

The obverse (heads side) design of the coin depicts a Cub Scout in the foreground with a Boy Scout and female Venturer in the background saluting. The Venturer represents how BSA has evolved over the past century to serve all the youth of America, including girls. The reverse (tails) design features the BSA emblem and these inscriptions: United States of America, Boy Scouts of America, Be Prepared, E Pluribus Unum, and One Dollar. The coin is due out March 23. Get it from the U.S. Mint at

The new 44-cent postage stamp, the “Celebrate Scouting” stamp, will be issued at the centennial jamboree in July at Fort AP Hill, Va. The stamp, designed by California artist Craig Frazier, depicts a modern Scout standing on a rocky summit, silhouetted against the shadow of a classic Scout peering through binoculars.

As any serious philatelist knows, the centennial stamp won’t mark the first time Scouting has been honored this way. Other stamps have appeared in the past, most notably for the 40th, 50th, and 75th anniversaries of the BSA.

Friday, March 26, 2010

March Cub Reminders

March Pack Meeting

Our pack meeting is set for March 30th at the American Legion at 6 PM. This is going to be a crossover ceremony for our 2nd Year Webelos who have earned their Arrow of Light (they will crossover next month if they have not). We will also be presenting all of the awards that were earned since the Blue and Gold or presenting awards to the boys who could not attend the Blue and Gold. Leaders please have a list of awards and names of boys who have earned them by March 23.

Every den is asked to do a song and a skit for the cross over.


March is our annual recharter. I would like to complete all of the paperwork next Wednesday so include the registration fees (none of this stays with Pack 603) with your son when he comes toPack meeting.

Re-Charter length - 9 months - Expires 12/31/2010
Re-Charter Cost per Cub - $12.25 (Pack 603 pays for the fee for our adult leaders)
Boy's Life Renewal per subscription - $9.00 So if you want your son to get the monthly magazine, he needs to bring in $21.25. Checks can be made out to Pack 603. We will write one check to council.


March 27, 2010, Central Maine Community College, Auburn, ME

Course catalog is now available for download off the KV District Website under the Newsletter section! OR go to the Pine Tree Council Website:

Early bird deadline is 3/19. Save yourself $5 and register before the deadline. Roughly 60
different courses offered for all levels of scouting.



Cub Scout Leader Training

Remember, BSA is mandating that all Cubmasters, Asst. Cubmasters, Den Leaders, and Asst. Den Leaders attend Leader Training.

Pack 445 is hosting Cub Leader Training on April 6 and 13 from 6:30 till 8:00 at Winslow Elementary School. Fee $7. (Pack 603 reimburses for this training) You must attend both nights to be trained. Before this training, everyone needs to take online training for Fast Start and Youth Protection at; To register or for more information contact Scott Verrill at 797-5252 ext 27 or

BALOO, WLOT (Webelos Leader Outdoor Training) and ITOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills) will be offered at the Abnaki District Spring Camporee at Camp Gustin in Sabatus on May 21-23, 2010.

K-Valley also plans to offer Cub Scout Leader Specific. June 19 at the Madison Congregational Church. More details to follow.


Overnight event, April 24-25. PTC has 500 slots available. For more info and to sign-up, please see the Council Website:


Fun Pack Weekend Camping Report – Juanita Spaulding
Juanita Spaulding is looking for volunteers to staff the K-Valley Funpack Weekend. She needs:
Cook(s) – lunch Sat, dinner Sat, breakfast Sun (preferably 2-3)
Nature Area Director
Scout Skills Director
Craft Director
Extra Scouts/Volunteers to help at BB, Archery
and Swim front (Scouts should be at least 15 to be on these sites)

The theme will be Sea Adventures.
Here are is the list of Funpack Weekends and their Host Districts:
July 10-11 - All district's key staff
July 18 - 18 York
July 24- 25 Casco Bay
July 31- Aug. 1 K-Valley
Aug 7- 8 Downeast
Aug. 14- 15 Abnaki

This in no way means Districts can only attend the weekend their district is hosting the program. Anyone can go any date.

Please contact Juanita either by email:
or phone 257-3431 if you can help out as staff.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

City Council Becomes Honorary Cub Scouts

For Immediate Release

Contact: Chuck Mahaleris, 400-9850

(Photo by Stacy Haskell)

Augusta City Council Becomes Honorary Cub Scouts

AUGUSTA- Mayor Roger Katz and the Augusta City Council recently joined a group they never expected to become members of- the Cub Scouts. Boys from Cub Scout Pack 603 in Augusta led the opening flag ceremony, Pledge of Allegiance, and the Cub Scout Promise during the March 4 City Council meeting. “The Cub Scouts did a very professional job. We were glad they could take part in our meeting,” said Mayor Katz. “I’m honored to be an Honorary Cub Scout. Maybe I’ll go to Cub Camp this summer.”

Cubs Leland Bailey, Morgan Young, Ryan Lathe, Caleb Bechard and Hunter Ripley served as color guards for the occasion and followed up by having the city’s top elected officials repeat the Cub Scout Promise making them Honorary Cub Scouts. Cubs Lathe, Young, Ripley and Bechard then reminded the officials that they now had an obligation to “Do Their Best” which is the motto of the Cub Scouts.

“We were very pleased that the city council would take time to honor Scouting on its 100th Anniversary,” said Cub Master Chuck Mahaleris. “Plus it was a great way to teach the boys about good citizenship. Scouting isn’t just about camping and building race cars and making macaroni art. The three goals of Scouting are to instill in young people a desire to be participating citizens, help build solid character, and encourage them to a life of spiritual and physical fitness. Leading the flag ceremony for Augusta’s City Council will be one of those events they look back on later in life with pride.”

Boys in grades 1-4 can join Cub Scouts now and be ready for summer camp. Contact Cubmaster Mahaleris at 400-9850 for more details or visit the pack’s website at


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March Cub Notes

Dear Parents and Leaders:

Into the News

I wanted to let you all know that I have submitted an article about the Pinewood Derby with picture to the various newspapers. Thanks Pam for the pictures. I plan to submit another article about all of the other activities that happened in February. Leaders, if you can get me a list of the awards (rank primarily) the boys earned last month (include the names of the boys), I would appreciate it.

March Pack Meeting

Our pack meeting is set for March 30th at the American Legion at 6 PM. This is going to be a crossover ceremony for our 2nd Year Webelos who have earned their Arrow of Light (they will crossover next month if they have not). We will also be presenting all of the awards that were earned since the Blue and Gold or presenting awards to the boys who could not attend the Blue and Gold. Leaders please have a list of awards and names of boys who have earned them by March 23.

Every den is asked to do a song and a skit for the cross over.


March is our annual recharter. I would like to complete all of the paperwork by the 26th so include the registration fees (none of this stays with Pack 603) with your son when he comes to the Den meetings on the 16th or the 23rd.

Re-Charter length - 9 months - Expires 12/31/2010
Re-Charter Cost per Cub - $11.25 (Pack 603 pays for the fee for our adult leaders)
Boy's Life Renewal per subscription - $9.00

So if you want your son to get the monthly magazine, he needs to bring in $20.25. Checks can be made out to Pack 603. We will write one check to council.


Leaders, when the weather is nice- try to have as many outdoor activities as you can. We pretty much wrap up at the end of April. Time is fleeting. Our April pack meeting will be the final one and all of the boys will cross over to the next rank.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mayor Katz and Augusta Cubs Race into Scouting's 2nd 100 Years‏

AUGUSTA- Racing fans are not only those who head Windsor Fairgrounds or watch NASCAR. Some of Augusta’s most spirited racing enthusiasts are under the age of 11 and built their own race cars.

Cub Scout Pack 603 held their annual Pine Wood Derby races at Augusta City Hall last month during February school vacation week as part of the year-long celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. Mayor Roger Katz served as the honorary race starter and welcomed the boys –all in grades 1 through 5- to City Center. "The Derby was a great example of Scouting at its best--working towards a goal, good clean fun, and a real emphasis on sportsmanship," Katz said. He admitted that he had been a Cub Scout in Augusta as a boy but never built a race car out of a block of wood like today’s Cub Scouts.

Cub Scouts, with the help of parents, build their own cars from wood they received from an official kit containing a block of pine, plastic wheels and metal axles. The finished car must use all nine pieces, must not exceed five ounces in weight, must not exceed a certain length, and must fit on the Pack 603 track. They can be any design. “I love the creativity of the boys,” said Pack 603 Cubmaster Chuck Mahaleris. “You could tell that a lot of time and effort went into working on these cars.”

Pack 280 Cubmaster Don Murphy organized the first pinewood derby, held on May 15, 1953 in Manhattan Beach, California. It’s popularity spread throughout the nation and is an annual event for nearly every Cub Scout Pack in America.

"I was so impressed with how hard these boys worked on their cars and the quality of the results. I'll bet a few of them will be designing real cars in a few years," Katz said.

The youngest boys in the pack, the Tiger Cubs in 1st grade, each received a trophy for participating. “Every Cub will get at least on Pinewood Derby Trophy in their time in Cub Scouts,” said Mahaleris. All of the boys also received participation awards specially made for the event.

Bear Cub Chris Colson received the “Good Sportsman” trophy. “One of the objectives of Scouting is to develop good character in the boys. Chris’ car was not very fast but he did not lose his positive spirit and was there to cheer on all of his fellow Cubs.”

Cub Scout Luc Sirois received a trophy for having the best looking car. Chris Black and Jacob Arbor received 2nd and 3rd place trophies respectively for their designs. Chris Black had the fastest car in the pack and received another trophy. Jonathan Urquhart and Killian Gagnon received trophies for their 2nd and 3rd place finishes.

“Every car raced at least six heats,” Mahaleris said. “We made sure they raced a variety of other cars and raced on both lanes. We made sure we had a fair and fun run for all of the boys.” The top seven cars from the earlier heats raced over and over against each other until a winner was determined. “It was a busy afternoon,” Mahaleris said. “It wouldn’t have been possible without all of the parent volunteers who helped in the pit crew, registration area, and on the race track. Volunteers make Scouting happen.”

Thursday, February 25, 2010

March Cub Scout Notes

March Highlights

-Flag Ceremony for City Council Thursday, March 4th. Meet at City Hall in full uniform or as close as you can come at 6:30. The mayor will meet us at 6:45 and take us in. We will do a flag ceremony and make the city council honorary cub scouts. Not required to take part but we hope to have good scouts who are eager to show how well our Pack can represent Cub Scouts to the citizens of Augusta.

- Den Meeting- 6 PM at Hussey Elementary School on the 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd unless your Den Leader has made alternate arrangements. Remember the policy- no school, no scouts. Parents bring boys to the lobby and wait for the leader to take the boys to the classrooms. Thanks

-Pack meeting at the Legion March 30th at 6 PM. Leaders get me awards list including names by March 23rd. Each den to do song, skit and cheer at the meeting. This will be the big crossover for 2nd Year Webelos into Boy Scouts and awards presentation for other cubs as well.


Our Pack has an annual charter from the Boy Scouts of America to run as a pack owned by the American Legion. This charter is the registration for all of our adult leaders and youth members. Typically, we charter from March to March. Boys who join in September (new Scouts not returning Scouts) pay a reduced registration at sign up and that covers them until charter time in March. None of this money stays with the pack. All of it goes to the Boy Scouts of America. There is a change this year. Council is changing recharter after this year to DECEMBER for all units. So, Pack 603 will be rechartering for 9 months instead of 12. The recharter fee will be for nine months.

Re-charter Deadline - March 31, 2010
Re-Charter length - 9 months - Expires 12/31/2010
Re-Charter Cost per Cub - $11.25 (Pack 603 pays for the fee for our adult leaders)
Boy's Life Renewal per subscription - $9.00

Chuck will be collecting the recharter fees at the March den meetings with the idea that we will turn in our charter at the March 30th Pack meeting.

Remember: one of the requirements for Centennial Honor Unit is to Recharter on time!



All Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, and Venture Advisors must be trained for their position (Fast start/This is Scouting and leader specific) by the end of 2010!

All other leaders with direct contact with youth (Ex. Den Leaders, ASMs, Ast. Advisors) must be fully trained (Fast Start/This is Scouting and leader specific) by 2011!

Don't wait. If you're not training in your position take advantage of one or more of the following opportunities:

Upcoming Training Schedule Council-wide (forwarded from Matt Randall by way of Downeast District’s newsletter, “The Beacon”)

Key to abbreviations at the end of the list of trainings.

Topsham LDS
matt randall
8AM - 5PM

Casco Bay
Windham LDS Church
8AM - 5PM

Saco City Hall
scott valcourt
8AM - 5PM

CMCC Auburn
University of Scouting
Robert Robinson
8AM - 5PM

Spring Camporee - Camp Gustin
8AM - 5PM

Damariscotta LDS Church
8AM - 5PM

Holy Cross Church - Lewiston
Tony Bessy
8AM - 5PM

Damariscotta LDS Church

Camp Hinds
Robert Robinson

Saco City Hall

TIS - This Is Scouting
YP - Youth Protection
CSLS - Cub Scout Leader Specific
WLOT - Webelos Leader Outdoor Training
BALOO - Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation


BALOO, WLOT (Webelos Leader Outdoor Training) and
ITOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills)
will be offered at the Abnaki District Spring
Camporee at Camp Gustin in Sabatus on May 21-23, 2010.



March 27, 2010, Central Maine Community College, Auburn, ME

Course catalog is now available for download off the KV District Website under the Newsletter section!


Overnight event, April 24-25. PTC has 500 slots available. For more info and to sign-up, please see the Council Website:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bowling Day this Saturday

Strike into the Next 100 Years

When: Saturday, Feb 13

Time: 9:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Where: Sparetime Recreation 215 Whitten Rd in Hallowell

What: We will be celebrating the start of the next century of Scouting by having a bowling party. The event will meet at the bowling alley to go over rules of the game at 9:45 AM and then bowling until 11:30 AM. All of the boys who take part will earn their bowling belt loop.

Cost: Cubs $2. Siblings & Non-Cubs: $7

Cub Scout 100th Anniversary Patch Requirements

A Year of Celebration, A Century of Making a Difference

Cub Scout Patch Requirements

By demonstrating dedication to five of Scouting’s core values, Cub Scouts and others can earn award ribbons to hang from the 100th Anniversary Commemorative patch. A Year of Celebration, A Century of Making a Difference is fun, engaging and—most importantly—shows America the impact of Scouting through its commitment to these values. A Year of Celebration will be in effect from Sept. 1, 2009, through Dec. 31, 2010.


Complete three of the five requirements in each category to earn the ribbon.

1. Explain what makes a good leader and give an example of a Scout (past or present) demonstrating those qualities. Ask your parent or den leader what makes a good leader.

2. Practice being a leader such as being a denner for one week. Write or tell your parent or den leader about what you did during that week.

3. Get a friend to join Cub Scouts.

4. Organize the den to set up and take down chairs at the pack meeting.

5. With the approval of your den leader, plan and lead a den activity.


Complete three of the five requirements to earn the ribbon.

1. Choose something you'd like to do better, and work on it for a week. Write or tell your parent or den leader about your progress.

2. Earn one Cub Scout Academics belt loop and one Cub Scout Sports belt loop.

3. Complete one achievement or activity badge for your rank.

4. Complete one elective for your current rank.

5. Complete one Cub Scout Sports or Academics pin, or the BSA Emergency Preparedness Award or the BSA Physical Fitness Award.

Community Service

Complete three of the five requirements to earn the ribbon. * Make sure that all service hours are recorded online for ―Good Turn For America.‖

1. With your parent or den leader, identify a person who serves the community. Write or tell about what that person does for others.

2. With your family or den, help plan and carry out a community service project. Write or tell about the project.

3. With your family and/or den, clean up your Pack’s chartering organization’s parking lot, a neighborhood park, the school grounds, or other public area.

4. Participate in a nature beautification project such as a tree or natural vegetation planting.

5. Give service to a community organization such as a food bank or feeding station.


Complete three of the five requirements in each category to earn that patch.

1. Talk to your parent or den leader about the Cub Scout Promise or Law of the Pack. What

does it say about the kind of character a Scout should have?

2. With your family or den, plan and carry out a game that helps demonstrate one of the Character ConnectionsTM. Write or tell about your experience.

3. Talk to your parent or rabbi, minister, cleric, or other religious leader about how trust in God provides inner strength and confidence.

4. Talk to your parent or den leader about honesty. Talk about why it is important to be honest in everything you say and do.

5. Become a friend of a boy who is being left out of the group. Discuss how compassion and cooperation are essential to good character.


Complete three of the five requirements to earn the ribbon.

1. With your family or den, help plan and carry out an outdoor activity. Write or tell about your experience.

2. Describe to your parent or den leader the different kinds of plants and animals you can find around your neighborhood.

3. Earn Cub Scouting’s Leave No Trace Awareness Award or the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award.

4. Go on a hike with your family or den.

5. Participate in a district or council outdoor experience (day camp, resident camp, etc.).

Blue and Gold Banquet Finalized

Blue and Gold Banquet

When: Sunday, February 21- 3- 5 PM (Set up at 2 PM)

Where: Green Street United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall

Directions: From the old Cony High School, cross Memorial Bridge to the second rotary, take the immediate first exit (by Walgreens) and bear right toward downtown. Turn left onto Green Street just before going down the big hill. Parking is available on Green Street, in the Poulin Building parking lot next to the church, and in the Kennebec County parking lot adjacent to the church and accessible from State Street.

What: The Blue and Gold Banquet is our annual Pot Luck Dinner & celebration of the founding of Scouting. The boys will be receiving awards earned since November. Leaders should get me the list of awards ASAP so I have a chance to purchase them.

Entertainment: Dens should be prepared with a song, skit and cheer and make decorations for their tables.

The entire Family is welcome! This is a great event for the entire family. Please bring enough food for your family plus some others. The pack will provide salad, beverages, paper products, placemats and rolls.

Cake Bake Competition/Auction: Desserts will be cakes! Every Cub should enter the Cake Bake! Everything on the cake has to be edible. He can make it with a parent partner. The theme of the cake is Cub Scouting or the 100th Anniversary of Scouting. Cakes will be judged by an impartial judge and ribbons will be given to the top cake in each of the following categories:
-Most Likely Made by a Cub Scouts
-Most Yummy Looking
-Best in Theme (Scouting)

Cubs can then donate their cakes, if they choose for the Cake auction! Only adults will be able to bid on the auction but it is more fun than fundraiser.

Cakes that aren't auctioned off will be part of the dessert for the evening!

Thanks to Shawn Gallant for securing the use of the church.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pinewood Derby to be Held at City Hall

Pinewood Derby- February 13

When: Saturday, Feb 13

Set Up: 2 PM (Need people to help set up the track, decorate the hall, prepare the pit crew and registration areas)

Registration and Races: 2:30 PM (We are paying by the hour for use of City Hall so we will need to get in, register efficiently, and move to the races. We have the space only until 5 PM)

Where: Augusta City Center (City Hall)

Who: Cubs and their Families

Volunteers Needed:

-Set Up & Decorations- We will begin setting up the track, arranging the hall and putting up decorations at noon. We will need help to accomplish this.

-Registration- Heather and Shawn coordinating but will need helpers especially if Shawn is working.

-Pit crew- Gary, Chris, George and volunteers. We will need a crew to help the Cubs as they finalize their cars. If you have tools and extra weights, etc. Please bring them.

-Refreshments- Em is heading this area but I am sure she would welcome help. Dinner items and snacks will be on sale. We are not looking at this as a fundraiser but as a service to our parents so they dont have to worry about dinner. Cost will be cheap enough to cover our costs. We may need additional help in the kitchen.

-Line Judges- We will have need of three line judges. Two will be at the foot of the track and one will be the starter. If your boy is racing, you go to the starter's mark.

-Scoring- Chuck will be working the scoring. Every Cub will race at least five times.

Trophies: Tigers will all be receiving a trophy for participating. There is a trophy for the Scout who demonstrates the best sportsmanship. There are three for the fastest cars and three for the best designs.

Rules: All cars must pass the following inspection to qualify for the race:

1-Width shall not exceed 2-1/4 inches.

2-Length shall not exceed 7 inches.

3-Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces.

4- Axles, wheels, and body shall be from the materials provided in the kit.

5- Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited.

6- No lubricating oil may be used. Axles may be lubricated with powdered graphite or NO SILICONE.
7- The car shall not ride on any kind of spring.

8- The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting devices

9- No loose materials of any kind are allowed in the car.

10- The Pack does not provide weights. The racer must supply those.

11- Once the car has been inspected and officially registered, it cannot be worked on or fine-tuned without the express permission of the head race official and then only to reapply something that came off after check in.

12- Cars cannot be carved in the front. We have a post that rises at the starting point of our track and the entire front of the car must be behind the post at the start of the race.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

February- Pinewood Derby & Blue and Gold

February Calendar

2- Regular Den Meeting at Hussey Elementary School

9- Regular Den Meeting (Den Leaders get me the awards list you will need for the Blue and Gold)

13- Pinewood Derby at Legion (Set up at 1 PM, registration at 3 PM)

15-19- School Vacation Week (no Scouts)

20- Pack Ice Fishing/ Ice Skating event (provided it is safe- details to follow)

21- Blue and Gold Banquet at Legion at 3 PM

23- Regular Den Meeting

Pine Tree Council 100th Anniversary Patch

2010 Anniversary Celebration Activities (Note: this is separate from the national award).
Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America with the Pine Tree Council! Earn your special edition 100th anniversary three part patch by completing one activity in each area!

Available to all Scouts and Leaders!

Service - Good Turns are the back bone of the BSA! Complete a conservation or community service project to earn your service patch!

ü Participate in a community service project with your unit such as Scouting for Food, etc
*Report your community service with “Good Turns for America”

Camping - Scouting is Outing! Attend a PTC or national camp program in 2010 and receive your camping patch

For Cub Scouts:
* FunPack Weekend
* Day Camp
* Webelos Resident Camp

100th Anniversary Celebration ` Join in the fun with us and receive your Scout Fest patch!

Ø Attend “Scout Fest 2010” Pine Tree Council’s 100th Anniversary Celebration in October!

Religious Emblems

Now is a good time to work on religious emblems. If you hurry, you may be able to finish in time for the Blue and Gold. There is a link on this website to take you to the religious emblem information in the left column.

Pinewood Derby- February 13

When: Sunday, Feb 13

Set Up: 1 PM (Need people to help set up the track, decorate the hall, prepare the pit crew and registration areas)

Registration and Races: 3 PM

Where: American Legion

Who: Cubs and their Families

Volunteers Needed:

-Set Up & Decorations- We will begin setting up the track, arranging the hall and putting up decorations at noon. We will need help to accomplish this.

-Registration- Heather and Shawn coordinating but will need helpers especially if Shawn is working.

-Pit crew- Gary, Chris, George and volunteers. We will need a crew to help the Cubs as they finalize their cars. If you have tools and extra weights, etc. Please bring them.

-Refreshments- Em is heading this area but I am sure she would welcome help. Dinner items and snacks will be on sale. We are not looking at this as a fundraiser but as a service to our parents so they dont have to worry about dinner. Cost will be cheap enough to cover our costs. We may need additional help in the kitchen.

-Line Judges- We will have need of three line judges. Two will be at the foot of the track and one will be the starter. If your boy is racing, you go to the starter's mark.

-Scoring- Chuck will be working the scoring. Every Cub will race at least five times.

Trophies: Tigers will all be receiving a trophy for participating. There is a trophy for the Scout who demonstrates the best sportsmanship. There are three for the fastest cars and three for the best designs.

Rules: All cars must pass the following inspection to qualify for the race:

1-Width shall not exceed 2-1/4 inches.

2-Length shall not exceed 7 inches.

3-Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces.

4- Axles, wheels, and body shall be from the materials provided in the kit.

5- Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited.

6- No lubricating oil may be used. Axles may be lubricated with powdered graphite or NO SILICONE.
7- The car shall not ride on any kind of spring.

8- The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting devices

9- No loose materials of any kind are allowed in the car.

10- The Pack does not provide weights. The racer must supply those.

11- Once the car has been inspected and officially registered, it cannot be worked on or fine-tuned without the express permission of the head race official and then only to reapply something that came off after check in.

12- Cars cannot be carved in the front. We have a post that rises at the starting point of our track and the entire front of the car must be behind the post at the start of the race.

Blue and Gold Banquet- February 21- American Legion- 3 PM
The Blue and Gold Banquet is our annual Pot Luck Dinner & celebration of the founding of Scouting. The boys will be receiving awards earned since November. Leaders should get me the list of awards two weeks before so I have a chance to purchase them.

Dens should be prepared with a song, skit and cheer and make decorations for their tables.

The entire Family is welcome! This is a great event for the entire family. Please bring enough food for your family plus some others. The pack will provide salad, beverages, paper products, placemates and rolls.

Desserts will be cakes! Every Cub should enter the Cake Bake! Everything on the cake has to be edible. He can make it with a parent partner. The theme of the cake is Cub Scouting or Presidents (since it is two days after George Washington's birthday). Cakes will be judged by an impartial judge and ribbons will be given to the top cake in each of the following categories:
-Most Likely Made by a Cub Scouts
-Most Yummy Looking
-Best in Theme (Scouting)
-Best in Theme (Presidents)

Cubs can then donate their cakes, if they choose for the Cake auction! Only adults will be able to bid on the auction but it is more fun than fundraiser.

Cakes that aren't auctioned off will be part of the dessert for the evening!