» Pedro’s Weblog

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March Cub Notes

Dear Parents and Leaders:

Into the News

I wanted to let you all know that I have submitted an article about the Pinewood Derby with picture to the various newspapers. Thanks Pam for the pictures. I plan to submit another article about all of the other activities that happened in February. Leaders, if you can get me a list of the awards (rank primarily) the boys earned last month (include the names of the boys), I would appreciate it.

March Pack Meeting

Our pack meeting is set for March 30th at the American Legion at 6 PM. This is going to be a crossover ceremony for our 2nd Year Webelos who have earned their Arrow of Light (they will crossover next month if they have not). We will also be presenting all of the awards that were earned since the Blue and Gold or presenting awards to the boys who could not attend the Blue and Gold. Leaders please have a list of awards and names of boys who have earned them by March 23.

Every den is asked to do a song and a skit for the cross over.


March is our annual recharter. I would like to complete all of the paperwork by the 26th so include the registration fees (none of this stays with Pack 603) with your son when he comes to the Den meetings on the 16th or the 23rd.

Re-Charter length - 9 months - Expires 12/31/2010
Re-Charter Cost per Cub - $11.25 (Pack 603 pays for the fee for our adult leaders)
Boy's Life Renewal per subscription - $9.00

So if you want your son to get the monthly magazine, he needs to bring in $20.25. Checks can be made out to Pack 603. We will write one check to council.


Leaders, when the weather is nice- try to have as many outdoor activities as you can. We pretty much wrap up at the end of April. Time is fleeting. Our April pack meeting will be the final one and all of the boys will cross over to the next rank.

1 comment:

Phil Reinke said...

I came across your site! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! Scouting's benefits need to be communicated far and wide! Events like the Pinewood Derby are subtly character changing...

The Derby was one of the highpoints of my scouting experience...both as a scout and the parent of a scout. We still talk about our races...and it has been years!

To give back, for what I received from that experience…I wrote and just released a book about the Derby called "Pinewood-Winning by the Rules" ISBN 978-1-60911-153-3. It shows that the “BIG race” can be won by sticking to the rules…Isn’t that what scouting is all about?

My son was district champ for 3 years in a row and he did that by following every rule and doing his best. It is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Borders websites…also through my website