» Pedro’s Weblog

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June, 2009 Cub Notes

June Is Here!

Hi Everyone. June is here and I just wanted to go over a few things with you.
  • Camperships. I have emailed a campership application. I spoke with Matt Mower from Boy Scouts and he said that the deadline was May 15 but that those who have not applied for a campership should do so. There may be money left, especially for those who just signed up during our recent school sign up. "If they're new we might be able to get some extra time for them to pay at the early bird rate," Matt said.
  • Spirit of America Award. As you know, our boys were recognized by the Augusta "Spirit of America" Committee with the "Spirit of America Award" in honor of their volunteerism in the city in 2008. I emailed a copy of that letter and certificate so the boys can have one for their scrap books!
  • Sign Ups. We have had a few new boys looking to join. You can find me typically at my office in Augusta T, W, and Thursday or in the evenings during the week. My phone number is 400-9850 and I can get you the application if you havent already had a chance to grab one.
  • BSA RAISING REGISTRATION FEE IN 2010. Our District Scout Executive let me know that the BSA national will be raising the annual membership fee to $15 from $10. This will begin next March, 2010 when we recharter our pack.
  • Cub Scout Leader Training. Saturday, June 13, Methodist Church in Skowhegan. Please preregister for the training as lunch will be provided based on the preregistration head count. Pack 603 will reimburse leaders who attend cub training course.
  • SPRING KICK-OFF, Wed. June 10, 7 pm, Blessed Hope Adventist Church, 10 Pleasant St. in Waterville (Roundtable Location) This is the leaders meeting where all of the information about the coming Scouting program year is giving out by District volunteers. Chuck cannot attend this year so is looking for someone to represent Pack 603. Thanks
  • June 20- Mini Camp in Pride's Corner in Westbrook. Open to all including our newly recruited Cubs. The day will include all fun outdoor events and is a great time for boys and their parent. Cost is $20 for a child and 1 parent. $8 for each additional parent or child. Registration can be sent to: Pine Tree Council 131 Johnson Rd Portland, ME 04012 Call 797-5252 for more details
  • July 1st- Webelos Camp OPEN HOUSE - Camp Hinds - 5:30 PM to 8 PM - BBQ served at 6 PM Come to our Galactic Get-together an open house for all Webelos and parents! Visit camp to meet the camp directors and staff, tour a campsite and see what camp is all about! Join us for a BBQ, complete with space dogs and burgers for our favorite Webelos Space Warriors
  • July- 4th of July Parade. We will be meeting at the Shaw's parking lot at 10 AM. Parade steps off at 11. Boys should be in full uniform. Thanks to Den Leader Chris Bailey for coordinating this year's float.

Information about Cub Scout Camps in general:

Webelos Resident Camp. Shawn and Chuck leading the group. We have an open spot on the last day for another leader. We will be attending:
4 Day Resident Camp
Session 1 Aug. 16 – 19
Contact Chuck about attending that session. Fill out the following and return to Chuck:

and boys and adults will need to see a doctor prior to camp and have the following medical form completed:

Day Camp is still looking for leaders. It is a great program and if you go your son attends at a greatly reduced rate. They provide training.
Kennebec Valley District:
Camp Bomazeen in Belgrade - Aug 3 - 7 Day Camp registration form:
Staff Application form:
Day Camp Medical form: