» Pedro’s Weblog

Friday, March 26, 2010

March Cub Reminders

March Pack Meeting

Our pack meeting is set for March 30th at the American Legion at 6 PM. This is going to be a crossover ceremony for our 2nd Year Webelos who have earned their Arrow of Light (they will crossover next month if they have not). We will also be presenting all of the awards that were earned since the Blue and Gold or presenting awards to the boys who could not attend the Blue and Gold. Leaders please have a list of awards and names of boys who have earned them by March 23.

Every den is asked to do a song and a skit for the cross over.


March is our annual recharter. I would like to complete all of the paperwork next Wednesday so include the registration fees (none of this stays with Pack 603) with your son when he comes toPack meeting.

Re-Charter length - 9 months - Expires 12/31/2010
Re-Charter Cost per Cub - $12.25 (Pack 603 pays for the fee for our adult leaders)
Boy's Life Renewal per subscription - $9.00 So if you want your son to get the monthly magazine, he needs to bring in $21.25. Checks can be made out to Pack 603. We will write one check to council.


March 27, 2010, Central Maine Community College, Auburn, ME

Course catalog is now available for download off the KV District Website under the Newsletter section! OR go to the Pine Tree Council Website:

Early bird deadline is 3/19. Save yourself $5 and register before the deadline. Roughly 60
different courses offered for all levels of scouting.



Cub Scout Leader Training

Remember, BSA is mandating that all Cubmasters, Asst. Cubmasters, Den Leaders, and Asst. Den Leaders attend Leader Training.

Pack 445 is hosting Cub Leader Training on April 6 and 13 from 6:30 till 8:00 at Winslow Elementary School. Fee $7. (Pack 603 reimburses for this training) You must attend both nights to be trained. Before this training, everyone needs to take online training for Fast Start and Youth Protection at; To register or for more information contact Scott Verrill at 797-5252 ext 27 or

BALOO, WLOT (Webelos Leader Outdoor Training) and ITOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills) will be offered at the Abnaki District Spring Camporee at Camp Gustin in Sabatus on May 21-23, 2010.

K-Valley also plans to offer Cub Scout Leader Specific. June 19 at the Madison Congregational Church. More details to follow.


Overnight event, April 24-25. PTC has 500 slots available. For more info and to sign-up, please see the Council Website:


Fun Pack Weekend Camping Report – Juanita Spaulding
Juanita Spaulding is looking for volunteers to staff the K-Valley Funpack Weekend. She needs:
Cook(s) – lunch Sat, dinner Sat, breakfast Sun (preferably 2-3)
Nature Area Director
Scout Skills Director
Craft Director
Extra Scouts/Volunteers to help at BB, Archery
and Swim front (Scouts should be at least 15 to be on these sites)

The theme will be Sea Adventures.
Here are is the list of Funpack Weekends and their Host Districts:
July 10-11 - All district's key staff
July 18 - 18 York
July 24- 25 Casco Bay
July 31- Aug. 1 K-Valley
Aug 7- 8 Downeast
Aug. 14- 15 Abnaki

This in no way means Districts can only attend the weekend their district is hosting the program. Anyone can go any date.

Please contact Juanita either by email:
or phone 257-3431 if you can help out as staff.

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